First let me start by saying Happy New Year to all of you guys! Now that the festive season is over and the one thing I will surely miss is stuffing my face with orange and strawberry flavours of Quality Street chocolate (the only 2 flavours I like) . With things and life slowly starting to get back to normal for most of us I wanted to share some tips on elevating your skincare regime which you can introduce early to avoid preparing your skin few weeks before you go on any holiday. No time is best to do this than the start of a New Year and trust me your skin will thank you later.
Know your skin type. This is the first step in getting your skincare routines/regimes right and also in getting the most out of skin products you have invested in. Before I got serious about looking after my skin I was using wrong products that were not suited for my skin type. But also remember that just because it works on someone else’s skin doesn’t mean it will work on yours. Do a proper research on your skin type and what products are well suited for your skin. Brands like have starting points for you with machines that can read your underlying skin layers and are able to pin point what areas you need to focus on and advised on the right products to obtain your desired skincare results.
** this post is not sponsored by Elemis**
Once you know what your skin type is or what challenges your skin have focus on feeding your skin on the inside. Again remember there are so many products that claim to boost your skin from within. So be careful what you chose. When you know what issues or what you want to improve choosing the right product will be easy. Do your research and food shop wisely because what you put in your mouth is as important as any cream or serum you apply on the outside. The best nutrients you will get from real food so stock up your weekly shopping with the right skin boosting foods.
Replenish your skincare products regularly. It is so easy to stick to same products because we find them to work wonders for our skin. And some may even believe in the saying why fix it if it’s ain’t broken? The answer is simple, most products we use on daily basis have chemicals of some sort. We rarely look into those ingredients used in our products and what damages they can cause if used long term. So by regularly switching up products we are limiting problems that can occur due to overuse.
Expensive or Luxury skincare does not mean it’s the best or will work wonders. There is a lot of controversy surrounding expensive skincare brands and ranges. It is also a known factor that some brands will pay bloggers serious money to raise awareness about their creams to make sales. The bloggers will do a fantastic job in getting the buzz out there. Promoting that cream that is suppose to give you an instant glow while you have a full on make up who are you fooling? The best way to find out if the cream does what it say try a sample. Do not be scared to ask sales rep for those samples. They are available as samples for a reason. I tend to ask for at least 2 weeks worth (trust me I used to be embarrassed but not anymore) because that’s how long it takes for me to know if the product is worth my hard earned cash. So it is best to use a product that actually give you results regardless how much it cost and stick with a products that is well suited to your pocket for restocking purposes.
Flush those toxins. The only way to get rid of them is by drinking water. There is a trend of carrying these 2 litre bottle of water around. Like I say it a trend most of us do not even drink even a 1/4 of that water because we are so busy with life daily by the time you remember to have a sip that water is warm or you realised you forgot the bottle in your car, the list of reasons is endless. Experts say drink at least 2 litres. My tip on how I find it easy to drinking that 2 litres is by drinking a glass every hour ( put a reminder on your phone if you have too) Another tip I can give you to increasing that water intake is to swap the amount of cups of teas ( weather in the U.K . permits us to have endless number of cuppas) to drinking hot water instead of that tea.
Don’t wait till a month or a week before your holiday to try these tips. Why don’t you kickstart your year with them and let me know in the comments below how you find them! Let the skin glow begin…..
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