This pandemic have turned things upside down for a lot of travellers. It has not change people’s desire to travel. It is undoubtedly that this pandemic have left a mark and there will be a huge change in how we travel now. Even though I do not have current plans to travel anywhere until at least the new year, I did think of how I will prepare for a holiday if one were to come up now. And these are the top 5 tips I would follow. 1. Keep the trip closer to home, which will also boost the local businesses.
2. Pack face masks, disinfect wipes, hand sanitiser and gloves for the journey and to keep safe during the holiday.
3. If possible pack/prepare your own food and water
4. Get tested before your trip and on return after self isolating.
5. Be safe, stay safe and have knowledge of what is happening where you are travelling too.
No one knows how long this pandemic will be around for, so the best thing to do for now will be to stick to maintaining that 2 meter distance, using our masks correctly and remembering to constantly wash our hands in between using the hand sanitisers.

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