I can feel how nervous I am writing this blog post. That how most of us feel when doing something for the first time right? Not that it’s the first time for me writing a blog. A year ago today I decided to take a break from my blog, whether that was a right call or not I am still deciding on that. All I know is I needed a break, that what my gut was saying to me. And I did just that. Took a year long break. Today I woke up very happy and excited to continue this journey again. Now that I have explained my year long silence on here, how about we talk about the fact that its the 1st of April!
The weather is so much better ( for those of us living in the UK ) we have longer days and the sun ( someone pinch me ) I love sunshine and it makes me happy. This year started with a bang for me and it has not stopped. I have loads planned up and already done ( like my reload trip to Scotland ) check next week’s post! This year I started what I have called 40 destinations to celebrate my turning 40 this year. I know it is a brave decision which may take me longer than a year to complete but I will complete it no matter what ( definitely not in a year though ) I am happy to be travelling again but for now I will keep everything locally until I am ready to travel abroad. Mentally I am still not 100% ready ( thanks to the pandemic and all the hustle that goes with it )
I hope you are excited about this month!

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